1:39 PM Buka Penutupmu | |
Open Your Veil If truth were hidden, then one Buddha, one Mohammed, or one Zarathustra, would have been enough. Once uncovered, everybody would have known it. It would have been just like it is in a scientific discovery – you need not discover it again and again. Albert Einstein discovers something. It becomes a common property. Then every schoolchild knows about it. It need not be discovered again. Once discovered, it is discovered. Tapi apa yang terjadi? Seorang Buddha menemukannya, seorang Muhamad menemukannya kembali. Engkau harus menemukannya kembali. Apa maksudnya? Maksudnya adalah: penutupnya bukan ada pada sang hakiki itu, kalau tidak begitu satu orang saja yang menemukannya maka setiap orang dapat menyadarinya, tapi penutupnya ada padamu. Oleh karena itu, setiap orang harus membuka penutupnya masing-masing, dan yang hakiki harus ditemukan lagi dan lagi oleh setiap orang dari mu. Realisasi (menyadari) yang hakiki itu tidak dapat menjadi milik umum. Ia tidak dapat menjadi sesuatu yang dimiliki bersama-sama. Ia tetap dimiliki secara individu. But what happens? A Buddha discovers, a Mohammed discovers again. You will have to discover it again. What is the matter? The matter is this: that the veil is not on the truth – otherwise, one man would have unveiled it and everybody would have realized it – the veil is on you. So everybody has to unveil himself, and truth has to be discovered again and again by each and every one of you. It can never become a common property. It can never become a collective truth. It will remain individual. Diambil dari: Until You Die. (Ceramah tentang Jalan Sufi) Bab 5. Kebenaran Tidak Ditutupi | |
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